$8 Million Coffee Cups!
This past weekend I had to drop off my cell phone at Verizon, they said to come back in an hour, and since Starbucks was just right across the street we (my friend Teri, dd Morgan and I), hurried over.
Teri got a triple espresso, Morgan got a Vanilla Bean Frap and I got the seasonal Pumpkin latte. After I paid, we walked to the pick-up counter and I noticed that they had a clearance rack. In it were 2 cups that I liked. I'm slowing replacing all my coffee cups with this style - I like the size and Tom likes the large handles.
I went back into the line and when it was time to ring them up the register display said
- $8,117,450.00
The cashier got really flustered when I said I would take that in small bills! She called over the manger who after several tries - pushed the cups across the counter towards me and said, "today they are free - take them".
I did mention that I would prefer the cash but neither he nor the cashier looked very happy (it would suck trying to balance that register). But I was thrilled with the free gift of 2 new $8 million Coffee Cups!
And you wondered why a latte costs $5!
Too, too funny!
Ha! What the heck button did they press on the register?? Refund national debt per coffee cup or something??? Pretty cups tho!
I've spent my share of the $8mil on their coffee... I know they are pretty pervasive, but I love going to Starbucks, something about it works for me. B*B, Ysabeau
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