Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy Dance and back in the studio

2 weeks ago I got an email asking me the techniques I used for my June 2005 Journal quilt - this was Pandora's head with Angelina, printed from my original painting.

Yesterday I got the email that my Journal Quilt was going to be used in the Journal Quilt Book - very exciting news. A little later I got an email from Pamela Allen, sending congratulations to me on having 2 quilts in the book - so I went back and reread the letter - They are using June (Pandora) and Feb 2005 (Snowy Gates). This makes me very happy! DANCE, DANCE ~ TWIRL!!!! Pandora has been a really long project - she was started May of 2004 and was finally finished being beaded, bound and sleeved in March 2006! She is huge which was part of the time-thing but more importantly I wasn't totally healthy during this time. Tomorrow, I'll post the rest of my update . Having Snowy Gates accepted really excited me - this quilt was printed from a photograph I took of The Gates, in February right after the first snowfall. I was with Karen Cote and we walked through Central Park taking lots of photos, trying not to fall on the not yet shoveled walkways, loving the bright orange Gates against the grey snowy backdrop of the park. My quilt has the Gates thread-painted in Bright PolyNeon threads so they stand out - just as they did on our walk. The Bethesda Angel is called "Angel of the Waters Fountain". Congratulations to everyone who got their quilts accepted into the book~ Let's Happy Dance Together!

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